A Moment of Celebration! BEZA is officially a Non-Profit Company!

A Moment of Celebration!
BEZA has been formally birthed! We are officially a Non-Profit Company.
We are deeply grateful for crossing this threshold into a new moment where we can expand and continue our dedication and commitment to a world free of suffering.
As BEZA blossoms our hands remain open in service to that sacred gift that keeps on giving. Thank you to everyone who has registered for an offering at BEZA, read our mailers, attended a training or listened to a talk. Thank you for the spiritual gift of DANA. Deep bows of gratitude to you and your devotion to your path of transformation, self-empowerment and healing. It is because of this growing community that the doorways open for us all to continue in kindness and offer a helping hand on the collective road to reclamation and remembering.
BEZA has never belonged to any one person. It belongs to all of us. And it is only in our coming together that we can truly create a new human story.
In the West African Dagara culture there is no word for ‘Thank you’. They are the words. They are ‘thankful’ in everything they do for each other.
May we continue to be and embody the act of gratitude in all we do.
Ekan & Raine
For a Regenerative Future!
On Saturday, 26th October a few members of the local BEZA Community along with 7 youth from the Creative Skills Factory in Stanford, WC planted 25 indigenous trees!
BEZA, and Raine in particular, supports the valuable work the Creative Skills Factory does in the Stanford area.
We were all held in their delightful songs as each youth planted two trees for someone close to them who had recently passed plus one for themselves to open the way for a wholesome future.
While planting these young trees into the ground we held heartfelt intention for their thriving growth. This became a powerful symbolic honouring of these wonderful children and their blossoming, fruitful futures.
Four additional trees were planted – two by special request from a BEZA sangha member and two to commemorate BEZA becoming a Non-profit.
These trees were donated by you! We plant a tree for each new person who attends their first training through the academy. Thank you for regenerating you (and our environment)!