Born as the Earth Zen Academy | BEZA | Elemental | Zen | Mentoring | Meditation | Generational Healing | Ancestors | Divination | Shamanic | Shamanism | Gatekeeper | DANA | Community Council | Buddhism | Spirituality | Nature | Mindfulness | Enlightenment | Awakening | Daido Roshi | Consciousness | Holistic | True Self | Wisdom | Medicine

Generational Healing

The Way of the Ancestors

“By contacting and sending restorative energy to certain members of your family tree, you can initiate ripples of healing that make enormous positive transformations in your life and the world.” – Shelley A. Kaehr, PhD

Ancestral Divination Sessions

Divination is an ancient healing craft which has been used for centuries to connect with the ancestral realm and make the Invisible World, visible.

Usually you come to a divination session with a deep question. Your question and the ensuing divination lifts the veil to the invisible world which is complete in potential. By way of your ‘ask’ of the invisible world (Other World and Ancestral Realm) for guidance (to make visible) as to what hidden energies are constellating in your life, you discover how to open the way for healing. Various prescriptions or remedies will flow out of the divination session which ask of you to perform a ritual or ceremony in acknowledgment of having received a profound message and to restore balance and wholeness in your being.

Private Divination sessions are offered on a sliding scale.

Born as the Earth Zen Academy | BEZA | Elemental | Zen | Mentoring | Meditation | Generational Healing | Ancestors | Divination | Shamanic | Shamanism | Gatekeeper | DANA | Community Council | Buddhism | Spirituality | Nature | Mindfulness | Enlightenment | Awakening | Daido Roshi | Consciousness | Holistic | True Self | Wisdom | Medicine

Generational Healing

By engaging in the process of generational healing, we break free from the cycles of pain and suffering that have been perpetuated across time. As we delve into the depths of our ancestral lineage, we uncover hidden narratives and unhealed wounds that have shaped our existence. Through this exploration, we develop a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of our experiences with those of our ancestors. With awareness as our guiding force, we can consciously choose to release the burdens that no longer serve us and transmute the energy of ancestral wounds. By embracing this effective gateway to liberation, we not only reclaim our own lives but also contribute to the collective healing and evolution of our lineage.

Born as the Earth Zen Academy | BEZA | Elemental | Zen | Mentoring | Meditation | Generational Healing | Ancestors | Divination | Shamanic | Shamanism | Gatekeeper | DANA | Community Council | Buddhism | Spirituality | Nature | Mindfulness | Enlightenment | Awakening | Daido Roshi | Consciousness | Holistic | True Self | Wisdom | Medicine

“You have sincerely helped in the healing of my wife.”

Baba Credo Mutwa, High Zulu Sanusi

Benefits of Generational Healing

Ancestral connection

Past generational lineage holds immense power. It allows us to tap into the wisdom, experiences, and guidance of our ancestors.


Deeper understanding

Through connecting with our ancestors, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, our roots, and our place in the world.

Ancestral communication

Heal and transform by addressing intergenerational wounds and patterns that have been passed down through generations.

Sense of belonging

Honouring and nurturing our ancestral connection allows us to cultivate a sense of belonging, support, and guidance as we navigate life’s challenges.

Unhealed wounds

Acknowledging and embracing your ancestral bond allows you to heal not only yourself but also the generations that came before and those that will follow.

“Geomancy (divination) is a natural art, drawing on the inborn powers of the human soul to glean information from the larger soul of the world.”

Earthen Zen

The Elemental Journal

Fire used in divination rituals at BEZA’s Zen Academy in Cape Town, South Africa, honoring ancestors and fostering spiritual connections through mindfulness and Zen meditation practices.

Journeying through Eons: Intergenerational Healing – The Ancestral Connection

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Symbolic representation of DNA at BEZA’s Zen Academy in Cape Town, Western Cape, illustrating the connection between ancestral heritage, spiritual growth, and the journey of self-discovery through mindfulness practices.

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