Facilitator/Elder Training

Facilitator/Elder Training

“To be Born as the Earth is not the same as being born. It is to realize that these Mountains and Rivers and the whole Earth itself is your true human body.”
- Zen Master Daido Roshi (1931-2009)
Born as the Earth Zen Academy (BEZA)
A Rites-of-Passage School
BEZA is a rites-of-passage initiation school for grounded, higher learning. We are created to facilitate authentic transformation in you and your relationships to others and the community of all beings.
With a vision to meet the imperative for a shift in human awareness and way of life, BEZA teaches a tried-and-tested practical spirituality to create a new human story.
Our model of training is experiential, hands-on, and co-operative. Apprentices / Students work independently and collaboratively and at their own pace.
With a focus on Zen Buddhism and Nature-Based Wisdom, the curriculum is deep, broad and evolutionary.
Facilitator/Elder Training
Committed students who have the calling to learn the art of facilitation are invited to delve more deeply into their path and begin to empower themselves to share BEZA’s Wisdom Teachings with others. At least 800hrs of learning and spiritual practice helps to clarify the call to become a BEZA Facilitator.
The facilitator track is a lifelong one which paves the way in becoming an Elder – a Wisdomkeeper. Wisdomkeepers hold the stories, ceremonies, and the elemental skills to restore harmony and wellbeing in their communities. These Elders embody presence, deep listening, encouragement, and faith. They are the conduits through whom the Other World communicates.
Within the BEZA sangha, grand and wise mothers and fathers have a valued purpose where their experience and insight is revered. Not ‘retired’, but rather ‘re-fired’, they take their raised seats in grace and service in support of a New Earth andhumanity’s youthful role in it.