BEZA Blogs

Let’s explore the teachings and practices of Zen Buddhism alongside Nature’s wisdom.

Integration after Kensho: How Daily Practices and Community Help
Integration after Kensho: How Daily Practices and Community Help

In the realm of spiritual awakening, Kensho represents a profound moment of realization and transcendence. However, the true journey begins after this transformative experience. Integrating Kensho into our daily lives becomes crucial to align our newfound insights with our actions, relationships, and overall well-being. This article explores the changes that occur after Kensho, the significance of integration, and how daily practices and community support aid in this process.

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After Enlightenment, the Laundry – the Zen Experience
After Enlightenment, the Laundry – the Zen Experience

Enlightenment, a state of profound spiritual awakening, has been sought after by individuals across different cultures and religions throughout history. In Zen philosophy, enlightenment holds a special place, often portrayed as a transcendent experience that brings about profound transformation. However, the Zen masters teach us that the journey doesn’t end with enlightenment but rather continues into the fabric of everyday life. This article explores the concept of “After Enlightenment, the Laundry” and how mundane tasks can become a Zen experience.

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Convalescence and Meditation
Convalescence and Meditation

Convalescence is the gradual process of recovery in gaining back one’s health and strength to return to some or original form of functionality. The term has mainly been used in the past for chronic illness, however, the process of convalescence can be from an acute injury, surgery and even mental illnesses. The term is often used for the later stages of recovery.

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Experiencing Depression? How Meditation can help.
Experiencing Depression? How Meditation can help.

There are many different forms of depression ranging from chronic mild depression to more severe major depressive disorders like manic depression or bipolar disorder.

Although the exact causes of depression are not known, there are three components that are known to contribute to its development. Factors include chemical or hormone imbalance, genetics and trauma.

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The Path of Compassion

In a world where chaos and violence seem to be on the rise, the practice of compassion has never been more crucial. By cultivating a compassionate mind, we can not only bring peace and harmony to our inner selves, but also spread kindness and empathy to those around us. One of the most effective ways to develop compassion is through the practice of Zen, a spiritual tradition that emphasizes mindfulness, meditation, and non-judgmental awareness. In this article, we will explore how Zen can help us embrace compassion and kindness in our daily lives.

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Silent Zen Meditation: A Path to Inner Peace and Self-Awareness

Silent Zen meditation is a form of meditation that involves sitting in a relaxed yet alert posture and focusing on the breath while maintaining a quiet and still mind.. In this article, we will explore the history and benefits of silent Zen meditation, the challenges that one may encounter during the practice, and how to integrate it into daily life.

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